Music Therapist & Senior Massage Therapist
After leaving school, whilst training as a mechanic during the day, Richie realised his love of music by working as a Club DJ 4 nights a week. He became very successful at this, working at some of the top nightclubs around the UK, winning ‘DJ of the Year’ 4 times whilst working for the country’s largest nightclub company. In the 90’s he made the move into radio and forged a successful career as the main breakfast show presenter. In the latter part of the decade, he was asked to compere an event for the British Heart Foundation – one that went so well, that he has continued as the lead presenter for their outdoor fundraising events to this day. It also wasn’t long before Cancer Research UK saw what was happening and also engaged Richie in their Race For Life events around the UK.
When Life Right started just at the turn of the millennium, Richie was still running the very successful events arm of the business and was able to help with the running the back office parts of the business. It was whilst creating and directing an awards event for the Marriott Hotel group that he was asked to help out with a charity called Dreamflight. Over the next 8 years and as part of the film crew, Richie flew out to Orlando with 192 very sick children and just as many helpers to film two of the 12 groups of children, documenting their experiences over the 8 days. For many, it was a trip they could only have dreamed of. Once back, Richie spent his spare time over the following 2 months editing all of the footage into a two 90 minute documentaries, which was then shown in each group’s local cinema at a private screening for the children plus their parents and families.
Life Right continued to grow and Richie decided to become more involved both with the running of the business and as a practitioner. He qualified as a Music Therapist whilst retraining in reflexology, Indian head massage, Swedish body massage, Japanese hand massage and manual lymphatic drainage. He also managed the logistics of the company’s mental health retreats, which ran for 10 years, helping people from all over the world who came together to work with Lilly and the team of practitioners.
When Covid broke, Richie used his skills in radio and television to create both a TV channel and radio station, so people could not only keep in touch with Lilly, but hear the facts about what was medically going on in the world and how it directly effected each of us, not to mention, what we could do to stay well. Lilly continued offering online consultations and when clinical sessions were able to resume, the TV channel had to stop (due to Lilly’s available time) but the radio station continues to this day to be very popular, listened to by people all over the world – largely due to the high music content, and the quality of what we play. Whilst Richie still has his own show, he is part of a 24 strong presentation team, all delivering ad-free programmes 24 hours a day.
Presently, Richie still runs Life Right Radio as well as the administrative requirements for the Health Hub. He also continues to provide holistic treatments and therapies to those wanting specialised care.