Lilly in Clinic


Lilly Wickham

MIST Practitioner & Clinical Lead

25 years experience

Now Available For You To Book

Your voucher may be used as a discount as shown.
Voucher is not transferable to any other person, or treatment and may not be exchanged.  It has no financial value, other than the treatment discount as shown.
Psychotherapy services and lab test reviews are excluded from this offer.
Offer is valid from January 1st 2025 until the expiry date shown on the voucher.
Offer may be withdrawn at any time.  Offer is subject to availability.  When booking an appointment, please make reference to using your voucher in the appointment notes, otherwise the full amount will be charged 2 days prior to the appointment as normal.
The voucher must be presented upon arrival for the appointment, otherwise the corresponding payment will be charged plus a 50 pence admin fee.
If the voucher is damaged, unreadable or does not match the original discount offered, it will be voided and the offer will be withdrawn.

How to Book An Appointment

We offer extended support via WhatsApp from 08:00 – 21:00 6 days a week.  If you have a question, send us a message and we will do our best to come back to you as soon as possible.

Just click on the appointment above and you will be taken to the treatment on our booking page.  Ensure if wishing to use your voucher, you include this in the notes, otherwise the full amount will be charged.

Unless you have previously discussed this with Lilly then yes you will.  If you are unsure, please book it anyway and we will contact you if it is not needed.

It depends on what treatment you are wanting as not all items are kept in stock, due to their very short ‘shelf’ life.  Send us a WhatsApp message to discuss your individual requirements and we will let you know.

We work ethically and this includes ensuring a particular booster is right for you.  If you have not been to see us for a while, or are a new client, please contact us via WhatsApp and we will ask you for recent blood results and your reasons for wanting a particular booster.

Any treatment (some of the skin treatments and all of the IM vitamin injections) are charged at the time of booking, as these are ordered specifically for you.  In the case of vitamin injections, a prescription is applied for to enable us to purchase the correct vitamins.
All other treatments are charged 2 days before the appointment date.

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with our team?